Funeral For A Friend
Not the band unfortunately, but literal this time. Today we said our farewells to our old friend JP. To avoid confusion I should point out which JP because it seems I know a few, this was Jonathan Prior bruv (as he always called everyone). By their very nature funerals are always sad and it was nice to see a lot of people who remembered JP fondly. My old friend and oddball drummer Duncan was there as well, he was the person who introduced me to JP in the first place anyway. I have to be honest, I'm not sure what I'm really writing about here, but what struck me and always strikes me with these things was that at 39 JP believed as we mostly do that he had a long life ahead of him yet to live. Even when my father died last year after a brief battle with cancer being much older he had a list of regrets. JP didn't get the chance to list regrets because his was sudden, but as with all of us there would have been many things he planned to do but never got round to. I know ...