
Showing posts from June, 2017

Funeral For A Friend

Not the band unfortunately, but literal this time. Today we said our farewells to our old friend JP. To avoid confusion I should point out which JP because it seems I know a few, this was Jonathan Prior bruv (as he always called everyone). By their very nature funerals are always sad and it was nice to see a lot of people who remembered JP fondly. My old friend and oddball drummer Duncan was there as well, he was the person who introduced me to JP in the first place anyway. I have to be honest, I'm not sure what I'm really writing about here, but what struck me and always strikes me with these things was that at 39 JP believed as we mostly do that he had a long life ahead of him yet to live. Even when my father died last year after a brief battle with cancer being much older he had a list of regrets. JP didn't get the chance to list regrets because his was sudden, but as with all of us there would have been many things he planned to do but never got round to. I know ...

Two gigs in a day and lesson learnt (again!)

So yesterday was the Daventry music festival. It was a great day really well organised and a credit to Daventry and its music scene which still feels in its infancy. People like Adam from AW Promotions putting on regular nights and this festival are really starting to get people interested in music from Daventry and the local area. That can only be a good thing. It was a blisteringly hot day and our first set was on the stage outdoors in the middle of town. I've played hot gigs before obviously but this was the first time I felt like my feet were going to melt, the stage being black and in direct sunlight just turned into a foot oven!! When I was in LA I had the chance to talk to the Line 6 developers and when they told me that the Helix screen was specially designed to be readable in direct sunlight I told them it wasn't. I'd used it for an open air summer gig and I couldn't read anything on it at all. Yesterday was the same, nothing visible at all but luckily I kno...

Far Too Many Things

Well, I have been very quiet. Part of this is because of my other job which has given me very little spare time, part of this is because for my other job I'm having to test and iPhone which doesn't have the Blogger app and basically makes writing it more difficult, and part of it is because my physio told me not to play guitar for a few weeks to let me shoulder recover! Due to all of the above I've not really been giving much thought as to what I can write. Oh, and the election is over in the UK... sort of... so I'm pretty sure I can now stay away from politics on here!! I'll do a proper post soon, but just a little update really. The studio is coming on, the old floor is out, the old wall down, some of the new wall is in, and the house is packed full of studio kit. As is always the case though, I really want to be recording songs now that I can't!!! I've been listening to the work for my new solo album and I'm pretty happy with it now, but the song...