Sad day

It's difficult to know what to write today. Last night the news started coming in about the explosion at the Manchester Arena and this morning we have clarification of what happened.

This concert was with an artist who has an audience predominately of younger people, so this was targeted at that audience.

I know what people will say "You don't react like this when there are suicide bombers in other countries". Well, every time it happens, wherever it is in the world, it's a horrible thing, but it is human nature to be more affected when it is closer to home, and the first thing I did this morning was to check the people in the office in Manchester were all okay. It's not that I care more for them than others, but I know them so it's closer to home, and I have a connection to them so I can check if they are alright.

Music is a beautiful thing which brings people together. It has no race, no religion, no class (although unfortunately we add class to it at times - classical music being a prime example, seen as the enclave of the upper classes and on the other side rap, "You can't enjoy rap if you're rich") but that's not true, all music is there for everyone. It doesn't care who you are, it speaks to you regardless.

In the arena thousands of people had been joined in unison, shared a collective experience of joy, singing and dancing together. It is a beautiful thing and this is why we love music, it has the power to bring out the best in people and allows us to connect without needed words, without any barriers. Then some moron, some idiot beyond comprehension decides to attack.

Let's be clear, there are no good reasons for this. The person was a moron, an idiot. There is no cause which justifies anywhere round the world the killing of innocent people, be it by a government, in the name of another, or by an individual. Yes, it's worse because this was targeted at a young audience, but every single life matters, every single life has value and anything that teaches or makes you think differently is simply wrong.

I don't believe in any afterlife not only because I don't believe in things I have no evidence of, but also because in very basic terms if you believe in an afterlife it allows you to devalue this life. If however you believe there is nothing after this life you have no option but to treat every life as special, a unique and once only experience, and that means you no longer waste yours, and you definitely don't waste or take away the life of anyone else.

Our thoughts are with the people who were truly affected by this, the lives lost, the years it will take many to recover from this - if they ever truly do - but also let's not use this as a reason to become even more isolated and close down even more freedoms, it was one person, these people are the exception, not the rule and we need to remember that.

Peace and love are quieter than a bomb, that's doesn't mean they can't be heard, as demonstrated by the people of Manchester who immediately opened their houses to strangers from the concert. That's humanity, that's what should be heard around the world.


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